Articles / Announcements / Obituaries

Please Note: The Articles, Announcements and Obituaries plugins are all clones of one another with only differences in wordings for the appropriate plugin content being applied to its listsings. As such we created just one guide chapter. Though the below guide refers to the Articles plugin, please know these same steps and information is identical when managing any of the three plugins and listings work in the very same manner for all three.

The Articles section allows your users (visitors) to read articles that have been published to your site. You can set up the categories and even allow visitors to submit articles, if you wish.

Suggestions for improvements to this plugin can be made here:
Suggestions made will be considered for future addition, but are not guaranteed.
What you will learn in this section:
- How to install and apply this plugin to a new page
- How to edit your General Settings
- How to customize the area above and below your articles
- How to edit/approve/delete existing articles created by your users
- How to add/edit/ delete categories to your plugin
- How to submit an article

Installing the Plugin and Setting up the page.

You will first need to Install the Plug-in, if it is not already installed.

Next, it is important to know that just installing a plug-in does not make it accessible to your website's visitors. Once it has been installed, you will need to go to the Page Editor and 'set it up'. You will need to make it 'active', tell it where you wish the navigation link to display, and assign it the proper 'plug-in'.

How to do this is explained in the Install the Plug-in chapter of the guide.

Accessing your Articles Plugin

The first step will be to login to your Control Panel (this is the same Url as the User Login link on your homepage) using your administration username and password.

You will want to click on the icon that is circled in this image (Articles) in order to view all the articles and options.

Upon clicking the Articles icon, you will see a menu like the following:

Below we have explained the purpose of each section.

General Settings

This is where you will set up your article options.

General Settings

Allow users to submit articles: 
Action for submitted articles: 

As you can see from the options above, and their drop down bars, you have the ability to set whether or not visitors to your site can submit articles of their own. If you choose to allow them this option, you will also need to decide whether or not you wish for them to be held for your approval, or to publish them immediately for other visitors to read.

Color Settings

This section will allow you some control over how the articles page layout would display. Click on a color block to change its color or enter a hex value into the field to the right of the color blocks.

Once you have finished changing your preferences in the General Settings, click the   button to continue.



This section will allow you the ability to place content using the editor above and/or directly below the list of recent articles on the Articles page. This is optional, if you need additional space to provide instructions, or an announcement. 

Clicking the Edit Text button will allow you access to the editor where you can customize the content to be displayed in these areas. Please see the Page Editor Chapter for further details on using this editor.


  For a complete list of the WYSIWYG Icons and what they do,
click here.

Managing and Editing Articles

Clicking the Articles icon will bring you to a list of Articles available for your site.

Here you can read and review articles. If you opted to have articles be held for approval, this is where you would need to come to approve it. You can see whether or not the articles are currently enabled or disabled here.

Edits an article (or to enable/disable).
Deletes an article. 

Clicking the 'Read More...' link will also allow you to access any extended text from the article.

Clicking the Edit icon will allow you to edit any aspect of the article, including the Status, Title and the Topic Category.

To approve an article, change its status to enabled.

Click the button upon completion of any changes.

Managing Article Categories

Adding categories and subcategories to your Articles module is a snap! Or should we say 'a click'? 

To the left, you can see a sample list of categories and your option associated with them.

Edits a category (changes it's name).
Deletes a category. 

And to create a new category, simply type in the name of the new category into the field below the existing categories and click the Add button.

Note: You can create as many categories as you wish. The Articles section does not offer subcategories, however.

Submitting an Article

 Submitting an Article

To submit an article as a user to be posted within your site, simply click the Articles icon in the USER Control Panel section. If you are logged in as an Admin, this is the top section of the control panel.

Next click the 'Submit an article' text link.

Complete the short form as shown to the left and click the 'Submit Article' button to complete your submission. An email will then be sent to the administrator letting them know your article has been submitted and should be reviewed and approved. Approving articles is explained here.

Articles remain on your site until removed by an Admin. They do not auto-expire after any length of time.

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